HDW will contribute an additional patient base to the partner hospitals and clinics. At the same time, these healthcare organizations will benefit from different patients who were previously unreachable – the immobile patients and those living in rural communities. HDW introduces portable electrocardiography and electrocardiography that will allow healthcare professionals to provide the most widely-applicable, safe, and cost-effective diagnostic tools available in cardiovascular medicine. HDW integrates AI/ML in delivering the assistive diagnosis that ensures the accuracy of results. The proven technology provides expedient and secure data transmission. Furthermore, HDW's mobile diagnostic service alleviates the burden of cardiac diagnosis from the healthcare system as it reaches clients at their locations. Heart Diagnostic on the Wheel offers mobile echocardiography and electrocardiography service as well as other non-invasive cardiac tests incorporating AI/ML for faster detection of potential cardiac diseases based on a wealth of previous data.
Cardiac risk factors are higher in areas where it is difficult to access health care or afford prescription medications. First Nations people living in Canada have higher rates of chronic diseases and have reduced life expectancy than non-Indigenous people.
Read MoreExisting providers of in-home diagnostic services are located in small clinics, e.g., Lakeview Diagnostics - Mobile Ultrasound Services that offers general ultrasound and vascular ultrasound in Pickering, ON and surrounding areas.